Anthony Davis’s X: The Life and Times of Malcolm X
3 February 2024 (SAT) 3:30pm, Premiere Elements
2024年 2月3日 (星期六) 下午3時30分,Premiere Elements
Anthony Davis’s groundbreaking and influential opera, which premiered in 1986, arrives in cinemas. Theater luminary and Tony-nominated director of Slave Play Robert O’Hara oversees a potent new staging that imagines Malcolm as an Everyman whose story transcends time and space. An exceptional cast of breakout artists and young Met stars enliven the operatic retelling of the civil rights leader’s life. Baritone Will Liverman, who triumphed in the Met premiere of Fire Shut Up in My Bones, sings Malcolm X, alongside soprano Leah Hawkins as his mother, Louise; mezzo-soprano Raehann Bryce-Davis as his sister Ella; bass-baritone Michael Sumuel as his brother Reginald; and tenor Victor Ryan Robertson as Nation of Islam leader Elijah Muhammad. Kazem Abdullah conducts the newly revised score, which provides a layered, jazz-inflected setting for the esteemed writer Thulani Davis’s libretto.
Content Advisory: X: The Life and Times of Malcolm X contains strong language.
《麥爾坎.X的人生和時代》於 1986首演,是戴維斯甚具影響力的破天荒之作。此作品的全新舞台版本會由戲劇界名人、獲東尼獎提名的《奴隸遊戲》導演羅伯特.歐哈拉負責監督,將麥爾坎塑造成一個超越時空的凡人。一眾新銳藝術家以及年輕的大都會歌劇院新星組成鼎盛的演員陣容,透過歌劇生動地演繹了這位民權領袖的一生。在大都會歌劇院首演《焚燒的火困在我骨中》備受推崇的男中音威爾.利弗曼,飾演麥爾坎.X;女高音莉亞.霍金斯飾演麥爾坎的母親路易絲;女中音里涵.布萊斯.戴維斯飾演妹妹艾拉;男低音米高.蘇穆爾飾演弟弟雷金納德;而男高音維克托.萊恩.羅伯遜則飾演伊斯蘭民族領導人以利亞.穆罕默德。全新修編的樂曲將由卡澤姆.阿卜杜拉指揮,將層次豐富的爵士樂曲融入享負盛名的作家圖拉尼.戴維斯所編寫的劇本中。