The Met: Live in HD supported financially by the Foundation of the Arts and Music in Asia, a Hong Kong-registered charity.

Tesori’s “Grounded” scores a dark triumph
in Met season opener

As Jess, the former ace F-16 pilot now assigned to the “Chair Force” by day and mommy duty by night, mezzo-soprano Emily D’Angelo bravely carried this opera’s considerable psychological and philosophical burdens, strongly inhabiting a role whose challenges had more to do with emotional grounding (so to speak) than with vocal display.

From the crackling irony and military profanity of Brant’s dialogue to the sharp mood etching of Tesori’s score, Grounded proved a worthy successor to Fire Shut Up in My Bones and Dead Man Walking as powerful—and indelibly American—statements to open a Met season.

- from New York Classical Review

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Brenda Scofield
FAMA Vice-Chairman
An outstanding Benjamin Bernheim dominates the Met’s Les Contes d’Hoffmann revival

This version of Offenbach’s Les Contes d’Hoffmann should endure for another couple of decades.

Benjamin Bernheim's performance was ideal, with glorious high notes, exquisite legatos and impeccable diction. Moreover, the tenor brought a different color, vocally and interpretively, to nearly all his interventions.

- from Seen and Heard International

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Brenda Scofield
FAMA Vice-Chairman
About The Met: Live in HD

The Met: Live in HD presents high-definition screenings of opera performances in the Metropolitan Opera House, one of the best opera house in the world. Its dazzling productions are filmed by 14 different cameras in high definition format and transmitted to cinemas across the world.The Metropolitan Opera, under its 16th general manager Peter Gelb, pioneered live HD movie-theater simulcasts in 2006. The Washington Post has praised the broadcasts: “the HD broadcasts are the most successful single element of Gelb’s tenure, and have proved truly visionary.”The acclaimed performances now reach over 2,000 venues in 70 countries and receive rave reviews. The impact of the live performance remains spectacular on screen. Hong Kong opera lovers can enjoy world-class performances comfortably in local cinemas with a ticket price of HK$240, compared to ticket price up to US$495 in New York.The experience of watching the Met: Live in HD is the next best experience to being in the opera house itself, the wonderful closeups and backstage interviews provide added value. Many of our patrons have started out as opera newbies but are now confirmed fans. It’s a wonderful way to step into the world of opera!

 「美國大都會歌劇院高清系列」由紐約著名美國大都會歌劇院製作,運用14 部攝影機以全高清模式拍攝精采的歌劇演出,並傳送至世界各地電影院放映。美國大都會歌劇院總經理Peter Gelb於2006年創辦「美國大都會歌劇院高清系列」節目。華盛頓日報高度讚賞這個節目,更指這是其任內最成為而且具遠見的決定。口碑載道的「美國大都會歌劇院高清系列」節目現已在70個國家、多達2,000多個場地放映,所到之處均好評如潮。香港的歌劇愛好者無需遠赴美國,只須付出港幣$260,便可在鄰近的電影院舒適地觀看門票索價高達495美元的世界級歌劇演出。「美國大都會歌劇院高清系列」不但媲美歌劇院現場演出,其獨家近鏡人物專訪和幕後對談更是十分難得的體驗。當中為數不少的常客往日亦從未目睹歌劇的風采,但現在都已成為狂熱份子。這是走進歌劇的世界的絕妙方式!

A Message from the MET...
Support the Met Now and Protect its Future

The coronavirus pandemic has had overwhelming economic implications for the MET and its ability to continue to bring you incomparable performances. As a result, the MET is asking you to join its urgent fundraising campaign by making a contribution today. Members of the MET’s Board have generously pledged significant contributions to establish this campaign and the MET hopes you will join them. Your gift will make a critical difference as the MET navigates the challenging months ahead.

With your support, the MET looks forward to coming back stronger than ever. 

Thank you.

For more details or to make a donation: CLICK HERE