The Met: Live in HD supported financially by the Foundation of the Arts and Music in Asia, a Hong Kong-registered charity.
As Jess, the former ace F-16 pilot now assigned to the “Chair Force” by day and mommy duty by night, mezzo-soprano Emily D’Angelo bravely carried this opera’s considerable psychological and philosophical burdens, strongly inhabiting a role whose challenges had more to do with emotional grounding (so to speak) than with vocal display.
From the crackling irony and military profanity of Brant’s dialogue to the sharp mood etching of Tesori’s score, Grounded proved a worthy successor to Fire Shut Up in My Bones and Dead Man Walking as powerful—and indelibly American—statements to open a Met season.
- from New York Classical Review
Read MoreThis version of Offenbach’s Les Contes d’Hoffmann should endure for another couple of decades.
Benjamin Bernheim's performance was ideal, with glorious high notes, exquisite legatos and impeccable diction. Moreover, the tenor brought a different color, vocally and interpretively, to nearly all his interventions.
- from Seen and Heard International
Read MoreThe Metropolitan Opera is a vibrant home for the world's finest singers, musicians, dancers and the most creative producers. Located in Lincoln Center, the Met is equipped with the finest technical facilities and a 4,000-seat auditorium.Each season the Met stages more than 200 opera performances in New York. More than 800,000 people attend the performances in the opera house.The Met always maintains a high theatrical standard and is renowned for its lavish productions. Find out more about the Met's history and its full range of extraordinary performances the Foundation for the Arts and Music in Asia (FAMA) brings you the opportunity to watch the Met productions in Hong Kong! FAMA is a non-profit charitable organization promoting classical vocal music and young singers in Asia.
美國大都會歌劇院位於林肯表演藝術中心,備有完善的設施和4,000個座位的演奏廳,提供一個世界級的舞台和活力的環境予一流的歌手、演奏家、舞蹈家和製作人發展。The Met每季都有超過200場的歌劇表演,吸引超過800,000名觀眾入場欣賞。The Met以其奢華的製作聞名於世,高水準的演出多年來一直備受讚賞。有關本季歌劇製作詳情,請到the Met網站WWW.METOPERA.ORG 瀏覽。亞洲藝術音樂推廣基金會(FAMA) 將美國大都會歌劇院的歌劇以電影形式帶到香港,讓本地的觀眾亦可細心欣賞。FAMA為非牟利慈善機構,旨在於亞洲地區推廣古典聲樂,協助香港及其他亞洲地區的新一代歌唱家發展事業。
The coronavirus pandemic has had overwhelming economic implications for the MET and its ability to continue to bring you incomparable performances. As a result, the MET is asking you to join its urgent fundraising campaign by making a contribution today. Members of the MET’s Board have generously pledged significant contributions to establish this campaign and the MET hopes you will join them. Your gift will make a critical difference as the MET navigates the challenging months ahead.
With your support, the MET looks forward to coming back stronger than ever.
Thank you.
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